Peter Gane
The devil reincarnated? You be the judge.

I am all for people doing their very best to help animals in need and do not condone any mistreatment of any animal be it on a farm or in a residential dwelling. But I cannot see how what you are doing is for the welfare of animals. It seems as though you are on a crusade and have a personal grudge against the owner of a pet shop that sells puppies.
There are many many pet shops selling puppies up and down the UK. Some have far worse conditions than what the one you are against. Some are even importing puppies from eastern europe. But you are blinkered. You should be lobbying the government to stop this loop hole in bringing in puppies from europe. Just google the puppy mills in hungary, slovakia, czech etc. Far worse conditions than the pictures you parade.
Do something good for dogs for as of the moment the general public can see your campaign is not for puppy love!
Until next time...
Woof xx
OMG! The resemblance is striking!
ReplyDeleteTwins separated at birth ? Lolol
DeleteThe hypocrite
DeleteHe pretended to be his late mother for gods sake!
From all I have read on this man he is indeed the Devil incarnate
ReplyDeleteAh nooo Poor wee man - not. Very pathetic spineless dweeb trying to get a takedown notice. After all the rubbish on his ego blog he tries and does this?
ReplyDeleteThe angle of the head and same look in the eyes is amazing ROFL!!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a good picture match ! and like you have stated let him help some dogs instead of pontificating with his false profiles. I read on the loveyourpuppy pages, months back that he had used the Gladys Bull profile to leave a message that could be conceived as a threat on Belfast Councils web page, maybe dogs4us should tell them who Gladys Bull really is?
ReplyDeleteThe cheek of this man,he makes malicious statements on his own blog against a Legit business and Individuals (and he started It all) and now he tries to get a take down order on this blog! Did he expect no recourse ?
ReplyDeleteAw didums, I wonder which post bothered him so much.... cos Its all true ?
He's had his cage rattled
ReplyDeleteThis gane has been off topic from the start proving what a malicious, hateful person he really is. His core is rotting away.
What a wimp! He loves mouthing off about other folk but spits his dummy out when he gets a bit of the same. Grow up you silly old fool and get out and help some animals in distress !
ReplyDeleteI see Ms Gilmour is of on another load of emotional twaddle concerning people loving their dogs, it is this emotional waddle that causes puppylove and the activists loss of credibility when dealing with the public and professionals, read ths link and scroll down to see the picture of Mira Hindly, cuddling her dog puppet over the grave of poor John Kilbride on Saddleworth Moor, taken as a trophy by Brady ! there are many many articles on how much loved and well treated Hindleys dog puppet was, loving dogs does not exempt people from being truly evil, so stop wearing being a doglover as a trophy of automatically being a nice person.
I have not seen a reaction to a post by the Peter Gane puppylove people that better proves how they twist, manipulate or distort things.
DeleteMore proof destroying the myth that being an animal lover makes you a nice person, just a few UK mass murder's: Harold Shipman owned a Yorkshire terrier, Rose West used her prison money to fill her cell with 4 canneries, Denis Nilsen owned a dog and cat, Peter Sutcliffe stated the best dog he ever owned was a spaniel and in fact published letters from his prison cell are adorned with the head of a border collie, need one go on? and it is stated in the press that most of their favourite TV programs whilst in prison were "wildlife and nature" and last but not least John Duffy's German shepherd called............ Toby...... All nice people NOT !
ReplyDeleteDebbie deboo has stated that items only stay on the net as long as the blog owner pays for the site, then states the only ones that stay are the free blogs, so she would know screen shots taken from a facebook page or paid blogs(that may disapear but the screen shot never will)can be placed on an unpaid blog (which will stay forever) with big headings of the individual persons name who made the comment, and WILL turn up in a search in ten years time. If you don't want your past to come back and bite you in the bum, don't make crude, hate filled or silly comments.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of screen shots, It seems that Ms. Gilmour is making noises of legal/police action, at the same time alleging she is seriously ill. I suspect that she will portray herself as a seriously ill, innocent and elderly dog lover who is being victimized.
DeleteAnybody receiving communication of a legal nature, be aware that there are numerous screen shots taken over time of Ms. Gilmour while using her Facebook profile showing her as an instigator and in an adverse light, these will be made available to persons defending/taking action.
There are abundant other screen shots, accumulated when not using her Facebook profile ( hence more difficult to prove it was actually her making the malicious comments) nevertheless along with the weight of evidence from her Facebook profile, in a civil case where the preponderance of evidence is less, it would be assumed that it is she.
Any person, organization or business under threat of litigation will find a way to contact us.
I have many of these and quite happy to forward to the blog owner if so required.
DeleteI hope anyone he has ever known is reading all the malicious posts he has made (and there are many) They will realise peter gane is one of a kind and not for the right reasons either!
ReplyDeleteIt is understandable why people have retaliated to what he has done.
Surely his wife and kids realise what he is doing?!
Yup all thats missing are two horns and the beard!
ReplyDeleteI think the devil picture would have been better if it was in green. After all Peter Gane is green with envy and jealous of Mr McCadden. His obsession is very unhealthy.
ReplyDeleteYes just like the incredible hulk! Ha ha !!
ReplyDeleteDidnt think it possible for Peter Gane to make himself look an even bigger pillock than he is already! Ha ha ha!!!
ReplyDeleteI think green with envy may be correct, he spouts on that Mr McCadden has made his money off the backs of dogs, totaly untrue as Mr McCadden already had the money to purchase an established company, Unlike only on paper director Peter Gane who gives his litle background statement of his business acumen, saying he founded a charity Origo to help those less off tham himself, Funny that Petey as it clearly states on this web page " position TERMINATED"
Peter Gane distorts a post from this blog on his own blog, then states " I would never do that " and places the picture of Hindley on his blog, one has to wonder if it was done to accept hindley into the fold as a " doglover" ?
DeleteThe man is deluded. All he does is slag other people off. Hes naffed off because there is someone running a blog against him apart from D4U. He cant stand to think there are others out there that dont like him or what he does.
ReplyDeleteServes him right for being such a bitter and twisted man!
I have to agree. Peter gane has been writing malicious stuff for a long time and he cannot expect others not to respond. He should not have started this in the first place, he should stop what he is doing it is crazy and serving no purpose. He has singled out a particular petshop and its owner. This behaviour is harassment and most of what he has written is libellous. He could land himself in very hot water.
ReplyDeleteAs he continues it draws more attention to himself and how unbalanced he is for doing it!
They have no sense, Veronica Lambert and Jan Gilmour encouraged Danial Webb to start a malicious blog, and lets not forget (screen shots exist if anybody has) it was not just a well known pet shop they attacked, amongst others they also attacked and accused a well known successful dog rescue, in a similar vein and with the same malicious allegations/ intent.
ReplyDeleteThe well known pet shop started their own blog to deny the allegations and defend themselves, the well known rescue pursued a legal course.
Danial Webb deleted his blog, and I am in no doubt that the well known pet shop would have done the same. However out of the back ground where he had been complicit with Danial Webb came Peter Gane puppylove member and spokesperson with his seemingly narcissistic personality who in desperation to be heard started his own malicious blog making near identical claims as the site Danial Webb had deleted.
Then we have the other puppylove admin. Bleating about how THEY are being attacked, did they really expect the many business's and other organisations they relish attacking to take it lying down?
Merry Christmas to those of you intelligent enough to get the point.
Why would peter gane delve into people's personal affairs? Does he get some perverse kick from it?
ReplyDeleteIt proves how low he will go. He is targeting a particular petshop and its owner, not any other petshops?.. His obsession with it is abnormal and very unhealthy.
My view is people are not reading his silly blog at all it really is very childish at the extreme and shows this man in a very bad light.
This blog is a massive joke, you are very ill and need treatment.
ReplyDeleteyou would think it was a joke wouldn't you? But no everything written about puppy love campaigns is correct. What a joke! Do you not think that Peter Ganes obsession makes him ill and need of treatment? Some would say so!
DeleteTo the poster anonymous above...think you should be sending that to ganes blog! He's been ill for ages and in need of treatment! Have you not noticed? Lol
DeleteIn response to this post made by "Jan" on Peter Ganes blog.
ReplyDeleteJan19 December 2012 20:20
Remember too that DW pulled his Blog after his life was made hell by certain people in I think March 2012 (prepared to be corrected on the date). Did D4U stop then? No they did not and a right of reply Blog was started in June 2012. D4U had 3 months to halt their vile Bog so why did they not?
All the more evidence of their harassment of members of the general public going about their everyday lives all within the letter of the law. PLC had NOTHING TO DO WHATSOEVER with what occurred at the rescue the blog commenter was referring to, fact and know nothing of the circumstances other than what was posted and further more DW had started his Blog way before he became a PLC member. More truth."
A gap in time occurred between Danial Webb stating he was off on his bike in the summer, and the actual content of the blog was deleted. However, although his blog was dormant, screen shots show Danial Webb continued making posts supporting and explaining his blog until late May 2012 on the puppylove Facebook page( scrolling back on your Facebook page will give YOU confirmation of this ) showing he did not leave the arena.
However, Gladys Bull made her introduction post to puppylove Facebook on 22 April 2012, when she was encouraged to place it on the puppylove news page which took place on the 23rd April 2012. Same team different player. Peter Gane has admitted he is Gladys Bull, showing publicly that puppylove administration and members condone the use of fake profiles.
Perhaps Jan would like to show us the gap where they ceased ?
Jan also states that Danial Webb did become a puppylove member, is she aware that a screen shot is available showing Ms.Lambert contradicting her by making a statement that Danial Webb was not and never had been a puppylove member.?
Would she kindly divulge which part of her message is the truth?
The pic on the left so much resembles a before makeover photoshot from a pantomime poster.
ReplyDeletePlaying the part of Dame Lovemeself is Peter Gane.
Here we go boys and girls, altogether now, He's behiiiiind you!
Oooooooh no he isn't.
Where'she gone? Sorry typo error, Where's he gone?
Typical never around when you need him!
I have got to share this with everyone..... I was in a pub the other day, the montague and it seems as though Mr Gane is the laughing stock of the area. Apparently he has a nick name around here. I had to pick myself up off the floor when they told me what and why it was. Locally he is called the Ladybird. I had to ask why and the reason is because he likes stealing dead womans identities and just like a Ladybird he also does not have a backbone.... oh how we laughed!
ReplyDeleteAs for poor old puppy love, they do get their knickers in a twist, maybe because they are so big! Calm down girlies... the best is yet to come!
And why do you want to know who it is behind this blog so much? I thought you knew who? And Mrs Gilmour, no one was actually calling you Myra. Daft old bat! I thought you were the one with a bit of sense. Read it again, or is it you knew how the comment was made but decided to make a mountain out of a molehill?
Thing is you have run out of things to say, thats why Gane is scratching his may through the comments made to make a story.
And by the way, tell me what lies have been published about your group by the author of this blog? Whats that? There is not any?
Mrs Gilmour if you are so ill and the comments made here make you worse, I suggest you stop reading. Just like you people there is a thing caslled free speech. By the way you are happy for your boycott slaves to slag people off so why not someone who takes a diliking to you is not allowed to do the same? Goose and gander.....
I have to agree with the blog owner, surely anyone so ill would not spend countless hours on the internet badmouthing people?
DeleteIts one way traffic..they just cant stand it when people give it them back!!
Gane and puppylove have vivid imaginations which are distorted, if nobody responds to their allegations they decide "it is true" not realising that when it is not the truth nobody knows what the heck they are on about to make any response.
ReplyDeleteIt is natural for people who have been posting on to post also their similar views on this topic related blog, perhaps some people who have an opinion on puppylove over their lack of direct action in helping puppyfarm dogs will not post on loveyourpuppy but will post on here. Who knows but a perhaps does not constitute a fact.
If their allegations are correct why have they not taken legal action to defend themselves? Ah Ha could it be the prohibitive cost ?
Peter Gane needs to turn his investigative skills inward to see whose house is worth what, that the sale of would pay costs and substantial damages, whose name is on the blog totally responsible for the posting of/making defamatory allegations and statements?. Are Lamberts or Gilmours worth enough to pay their own costs ? Another assumption that as no legal action has been taken that none will, the lack of response taken as guilt, has ensured the allegations have become more and more outrageous and as the assumptions are incorrect where does that leave Peter Gane?
And should it get to court, the Judge may be a businessman, he may be anti or pro hunt, he may love or hate dogs, one thing he will be is professional and review and listen to the FACTS not childlike assumptions and allegations.
All associated with PL are biased bigots.
ReplyDeleteMs Gilmour should stop reading posts if she gets upset by them. Having said that this woman has contributed to stoking the fire as she never stops posting her derogatory messages. As the blog owner said.. dont be surprised when you get some of the same.
She should fill her time by helping animals, surely that would give her more satisfaction as she does nothing at all to help them apart from fill her days on the internet a bit like Peter Gane.
What an awful man. He looks quite wicked..seems to have a lot of anger inside him and little respect for anyone. Sad indeed
ReplyDeleteHe has to be the vilest thing that ever graced this earth
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely disgusted this man is abnormal doing this to his dead mother!
Using his mother as a cover up is inexcusable. Gane has dug himself a huge hole and he can never find his way out of it
ReplyDeleteWonder if the village folk know about his little antics yet?
But pl knew what he was doing roger so you can see they are all raving mad!
ReplyDeleteYes they are all barking ,especially lambert, gilmour and gane. Sick of hearing the drivel and not one of them has been to a protest at the famous petshop they keep attacking.
ReplyDeleteHow do they have the cheek?!
I have been following this blog with much amusement on these characters. This sad old fool (peter gane) should be sectioned and the sooner the better in my opinion!!