Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Double Standards?

Lying, cheating, fraudulent Puppy Love being hypocrites yet again!

Just like Peter Gane who tried to lie to the public by stealing his deceased mothers identity, it seems that Veronica Lamberts needs to make her mind up too!

Whilst having a cheeky look over on their facebook wall I came across a very hypocritical statement made by Ms Lambert, the owner of Puppy Love Campaigns.

So, it seems that my dear friend ronnie has had a 'productive' meeting with the RSPCA.

'Together we can make a difference'

Nice phrase there, but Lambert, you say that the RSPCA were open and honest, shame that cannot be said about you.

A few clicks around their website and you will see the matriarch of this badly run group of woman has a few bad things to say about our beloved and honest open well run CHARITY (unlike Puppy Love who are not a charity but still ask for donations)

The below are all snippets from the official website of Puppy Love.



Straight from the horses mouth! Maybe the person who had this meeting should be forwarded the details of this site? The last capture above was taken from 'our dogs'.

Keep being a hypocrite because it gives this blog more content. Do you want a shovel for that hole ronnie?

And I do publicly apologise if puppy love did attend this meeting ORGANISED by CARIAD. But to enlighten us and give people faith in your organisation can you confirm that the person in charge attended this oh so very important meeting?

Maybe your official spokesperson can give a statement? You do like those titles don't you Pete?

By the way the picture we had of you originally of you was not your worst photo like you claim. The one on your facebook profile is far worse.

On another note, you need to decide who you want to blame for this blog, one minute it is a pet shop the next someone hired by them......... look a bit closer to home like... I dunno....Rudheath?

Until next time..

Woof xx


  1. Peter Gane = same shit just a different day.
    The man is a desperado ! He now comes out and admits he was gladys bull his deceased mother !

  2. Veronica Lambert & Co once again show their true colours.

    Someone should make the RSPCA aware what is being said about them by this amateur bunch of meddling know it alls. They really are getting a very bad name for themselves and now peter gane has dragged them even further into the gutter,
    How it has backfired on you puppy love !

  3. Getting involved with this little rodent (Gladys) is asking for trouble.

    Seems hes getting very uncomfortable now the spotlights on him.

    Do unto others...........

  4. Keep scratching Gane your not even warm :)

  5. So why doesnt he come clean and tell everyone how he made up the other false facebook profiles of m king, sam izzard and chris kent? Are there any others?

    This bloke is so full of shit. A coward behind closed doors, but its all coming out now..

    1. Peter gane surely has lost the plot. I mean come on your average intelligent person would not dream up creating false profiles let alone talking as your dead mother. Your mother is one you look up to and respect, after all she brought you into the world. No amount of moralising can put right what he did. How he has the cheek to come out and even try to justify it makes him look an even bigger pillock! Get over yourself mr gane no one is buying your shit!Keep taking the immodium hopefully you will dry up soon!

    2. Haha nice one Karen.
      Gane keeps digging himself a bigger hole trying to make his excuses for posing as his late mother,there Is no excuse for what he did.

  6. Puppylove blame anybody but people like themselves for puppyfarms.
    The Animal Welfare Act 2006 is a government law so why should a non government department, the RSPCA an age old civil animal welfare charity be responsible for dealing with it?
    The numpties need to stop wasting time and go after the big boys and make it compulsory NOT discretionary that councils take action and stop blaming the RSPCA for shortfalls because puppylove are ineffectual and lack the ability or any clout to change this.

  7. The RSPCA do a fantastic job. Unlike lambert and her cronies sat in front of a keyboard. RSPCA do "real" work. The same cannot be said of PL

  8. What a disgrace these people are! Slagging off a charity that is doing more for puppy farming then the pl people who is set up to combat puppy farming. They are not in it for the right reasons at all. What an embarassment. have pl responded with the name of the person who attended these meetings? My guess is that it was not the co founder! Why? Because she would have to get off her fat arse and do some work. They should cut the time they spend on the net by hald and donate the other half to helping in rescues. And Mr Gane should have not paid for his domain name for his blog and donated that to a rescue. That would be doing the puppy farms justice! Notice that they dont want any donations sent to the RSPCA. I really hope the RSPCA do see this site and if they are thinking about getting into bed with pl they think again. It could be damaging to them! And Mr Gane, get your teeth sorted and stop smoking - YUK

    1. Agree Tobi, the RSPCA have been around a long time and Its easy to sit on your backside at a pc and criticise them but they do good work and In many cases spend hundreds of man hours ( sometimes years) getting a successful prosecution,It doesn't happen overnight but they never give up and are only tied In some instances by the rules of Law,they have to 'go by the book' but It does achieve results,for Instance the arrests recently made In Stockport of the puppy farmers selling tiny poms etc from buckets, well they have been on that case over 6 years approx now,there Is much being done behind the scenes by RSPCA...whereas PL et al sit at their pc's and post links...big deal we can all do that but actions speak louder and PL don't pick on the proper big boys, I.e. The actual puppy farmers, no they target legit premises who continually strive to improve,they even condone targeting well known pet food manufacturers, who let's face It sell pet food...and ?
      Pathetic the lot of them,oh and Mr Gane the ageing lothario, ( where does that ego come from) do something constructive for dogs Instead of bitching with Jan,Ronnie etc: try opening a dogs home and charity and see the work It Involves,we all love dogs it's just that PL etc think they have the monopoly on loving dogs,they are In It for the glory themselves and not for the puppies/ animals,very much like the Animal rights lot are In It because they see themselves as some sort of martyrs,that's what they want martyrdom and fame, misguided because they see being arrested as a badge of honour but It Is not actually helping any animals Is It ?

  9. The pic on the right is the false profile gane created . whoever is running this blog is taking the piss out of him big time!
    Keep it up blogger. This evil low life deserves it for ridiculing people. He needs to take a long hard look in the mirror.

  10. I want the RSPCA to stop deliberate cruelty to animals, such as animals tied up living outside with no bedding, animals with broken legs, the ponies left tramping the moors with overgrown feet and teeth, the protection of and injury to wildlife, the bloke seen kicking and beating his dog, all these are far more important than dogs living inside, albeit in not the best of conditions but fed and watered on a regular basis, the local LA get any license money from breeding premises let them bloody pay to clean it up so the RSPCA can concentrate their resources on those animals nobody is looking out for. Oh I forgot along with the LA these dogs have puppylove looking out for them ROFL!

  11. Yellow teeth, no hair, no brain, no friends He aint got much going for him in life Lol lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Dennis the Menace13 December 2012 at 20:38

    Maybe its Danial Webb running the blog as hes turned over a new leaf? Ha ha!

    1. perhaps he belongs to a group of people running this blog? People who know the real ronnie lambert and what a nasty character she is with much more interest in public acclaim and taking credit than cleaning up puppy farming, the only place she leads people is into conflict, which has nothing to do with helping any puppyfarm dog.
      So Cariad going for just two years got a meeting with the Welsh RSPCA, why did lambert not do that 4 years ago? because she is too busy slagging the RSPCA off and encouraging people to bombard them with useless emails that they won't give her the time of day !

    2. From what i have read on the pet shop blog this is another one wasting council time paid for by us!! This country has gone to wrack and ruin!

  13. Does he still work for the council or has he been sacked?

    1. Only one way to find out...ring the council

  14. That evil old witch ronnie lambert hasnt got a good word to say about anything or anyone. god she must be unhappy with her life. Hows about getting up of your fat posterior and helping some of these dogs in rescues that you keep harping on about? Slate everyone else but do buggar all yourself! Easy sat in a chair isnt it. Silly old cow. Talk the talk but cant walk the walk. Get a life!!

    1. So true this remark,you never hear them talking about how they did some 'real hands on' caring, productive stuff, like work in an animal shelter or raising funds for the RSPCA who do incredible work. PL dont get involved in this sort of thing as they dont want to get their hands dirty. they just sit at a keyboard all day every day and people are tired of seeing the same old rubbish they churn out.This group of individuals are a sorry bunch of woman with a very unprofessional approach. They are doing more harm than good!

  15. PL campaigns verbally abuse everyone who helps dogs.. They are that thick that they alienate themselves from other organisations because they think they know better,another bunch of glory hunters.
    Instead of all joining together for the good of dogs, they have targeted and fell out with Mark the vet,the RSPCA,Many tears dog rescue,kc and many others who they've upset.
    They are a misguided bitter lot

  16. Danial webb another misguided one. How the hell did he get away with using the councils time and still keep his job? Disgraceful!!!
