Saturday 27 October 2012

Welcome to Puppy Love Exposed

Over the next weeks and months, we will be showing you the real truth of a troublesome organisation (or gang) that calls themselves 'Puppy Love Campaigns' and in my own words
'a group of animal activists'


Puppy Love Campaigns are a group of individuals who have got together to 'raise awareness to the horrors of what is generally known as puppyfarming'.

However the way they go about raising this awareness is very questionable.

Now normal people like you and I would see the word 'campaign' in their name and would think that they are what it says on the tin. Campaign group, yeah? Well to some degree, yes, but this is not at the top of their agenda!

The little campaigning they actually do, is partly formed of loud and noisy protests with megaphones shouting obscenities at potential customers entering licensed establishments that are legally allowed to sell puppies.

Amongst other things which will become apparent soon, it seems as though the official spokesperson for this gang has singled out and targeted businesses and individuals who are or were in the pet trade by creating a blog slating these people.

Still the credible organisation they portray themselves to be? To top it off, this blog that they created was first started anonymously. It was not until they were outed by separate blog, that had been created by a pet store in a response to their underhand tactics, that the official spokesperson Peter Gane and full time Puppy Love member 'Bolster' admitted he was the owner.

As I said, more will follow on this group and the individuals that behind the flurry of pseudo names they use in due course. 

Until next time my friends



  1. Who are these people and why do they use false names?

    1. All in good time Cindy, be patient! Theres lot's more to come on these animal activists....

  2. We are going to get some facts at last?.

  3. I stumbled across your page by accident im sure i have seen something on the internet about these animal activists before?

  4. I cant wait to hear more on these people

  5. I know who these people are,they are an absolute disgrace by looking at their Facebook page,verbally abusive etc;

  6. Here's an update for you, the puppylove lot are a bunch of sh*t stirrers with nothing better to do

  7. Well done for exposing these people

  8. Have you got any pics of the people behind this organisation and the animal activists they are linked to?

  9. Ronnie lambert isnt she the one who runs this joke of an organisation? i have seen her on countless sites on the internet asking for people to demonstrate outside licensed buisnesses, how come she never goes to these protests? Bit hypocritical if you ask me! Another keyboard warrior if you want my honest opinion !
    They are doing nothing to save animals they profess to be in apalling conditions, they just sit and slag people off from the comfort of where they live. Think people are seeing the "real" people behind this sad amateur set up. Glad they are being exposed too !

  10. Yeah peeps there is loads on these nutters and what they get up to. Half of them have been arrested for criminal damage, some have received jail sentences,and they openly talk about it like its something to be proud of! They are scruffy low lifes with no jobs or prospects, they need to get a life and do something positive for this country instead of bleeding it dry !

  11. Was directed here by a link posted on another blog which has become quite a talking point of an animal welfare group, puppy love, To be honest Im not surprised its come to this. They have turned a lot of people against them owned by veronica lambert and assisted by peter gane (who is making quite a name for himself on the internet) deserves to be ridiculed. The crap they spout is pathetic!

    When you start these things it usually ends up backfiring, you cant expect people not to react, the internet can be a bad place, these people should not have started this in my opinion. As stated on the other blog they show themselves up with their charade of childishness and foul language. People do not respect this kind of behavior. Sorry to prattle on but just giving my honest opinion.

    1. You are right dave in what you say the stuff they do really is very childish, the blog you refer to is a well known petstore and has been set up in response to all the rubbish that was being said about them from what I can gather. I am in the process of reading it all currently. Bit of an eye opener to be honest,needless to say it doesnt show these people in a good light at all.

  12. Peeps need to ask themselves other than produce film, what do this lot do to help suffering animals? So far they say they shut one breeder down, but try asking them where the dogs from this place went to...split between other breeders to carry on breeding, so how did they help them? all they did was get a film.

    1. The film they were given was from someone who took all the risks and gave his video to PuppyLove expecting it to be shared. All Ms.Lambert did was insist the copywrite belonged to her and wouldn't allow anyone to use it. Unless there was a large plug for PuppyLove Campaigns alongside it.

    2. That sad bitch needs to get out and rescue some of these dogs she keeps banging on about instead of playing and clicking on facebook all day long !

    3. Yeah looks like all puppy love try to do is paper over the cracks,but they are now really beginning to show through

  13. Well done who ever you are for setting up this web site, it's good they you have exposed these nutters, and now every one can see them for what they are? Why is mathai and his mother protesting outside boots chemist of all places ? Any one know

    1. Why? I will tell you why cos these people protest about everything under the sun, mathai and mother was in Asda with trolley loads of milk the last I read blocking the isles over some badger cull?.
      Jeez these people really are not normal and beyond sad!

  14. Yes they are protesting , about animal testing for per perfume ! Outside boots chemist our national flagship chemist ! There is perfume created in every country world wide ! I mean what these 2 fruit cakes doing ? Who will take the slightest bit of notice ? Every one in the world where's perfume / aftershave ! It's a must have ! The little boy aron should be sent in the army to make him grow up ! And his mum needs to be placed in a nursing home ! To cater for her senile dementia and malnutrition !
