Monday, 7 January 2013

Fraud and deception

Peter Gane now and as Gladys Bull DEAD MOTHER

Peter Gane YEARS ago but current on fb profile. Didn't age very well you think?

You read it right. Puppy Love campaigns have appointed an official spokes person for their organisation and it seems as though he has an identity crisis. Why they apointed a spokes person, I do not know as their main contributors to the Puppy Love forum and facebook pages consist of Veronica Lambert, Gina Owens, Jan Gilmour, Sue Davey and of course Peter Anthony Gane. Five people!

You probably have read about the background of Peter Gane but for those who do not know here is a little insight.

Basically Peter Gane acts like a woman. It seems as though he has female tendencies.To be honest I am suprised he has a wife...maybe its a cover up? After all he likes dressing in drag. Back ago there once upon a time was a man called Danial Webb. Mr Webb spun a web of lies about a pet shop in the UK that sold puppies. Mr Webb was a very bad man. He spread his lies and hot air through anonymously created blog. Well, down came the rain and washed the spider out. He was outed and found out.

With his tail between his legs Danial Webb went wee wee wee all the way home, got a pen and pad out and wrote an apology to those concerned.

Meanwhile, deep down in the Cornish country, stood a lowly little bungalow with a wicked witch inside. It was none other than Gladys Bull aka Mr Peter Anthony Gane.

(This is where his feminine side kicks in) Just like in red riding hood where the wolf dressed up in grannies clothes, Peter Gane was wearing his dead mothers and donn's a blue rinse wig.

Peter Gane resurrected his dead mother, stole her identity and posted lies on the Internet. He posted on Puppy Loves facebook wall saying he was a labrador breeder who had paid vast sums in tax. What a dreamer! He tried to con the members of Puppy Love in trying to manipulate them into thinking his fantasy was true. Sick hey?
Any way, not satisfied enough, Mr Gane created another anonymous blog to slate a pet shop selling puppies.

So there you are, a pensioner posed as an old woman publicly. Mr Gane recently changed his profile picture to one of him of about 20 years ago. Still trying to deceive people? Come on Peter, you don't get any younger! We have also had an email saying that Peter Gane has created a profile in the name of Chris Kent, who was a licensed seller of puppies. Mr Gane has taken a picture of what he thought looked like him and tried to 'like' an animal activist gang on facebook who have proven links to Veronica Lambert the co owner of Puppy Love campaigns. Then to throw everyone of the scent Mr Gane posted the real profile of this Chris Kent and said along the lines 'this is the real Chris Kent'

It is to be pointed out that Mr Gane publicly stated he is looking for something voluntary to fill his time. Here's a suggestion Mr Gane, help in a rescue.

I really wish this supposedly respectable man would act his age and not his shoe size.

Until next time...


  1. yeah and p love are as sick as this sad bastard for condoning it!

  2. Nobody gives a flying *uck about what peter anthony gane writes all that shit he spouts no one is reading it and puppy love need to realise what damage this loony has done to them and the fact they have aided and abetted him in his crazy internet games. The man is out of control !

  3. He looks demented and by god he is,, after reading everything about gane on the d4us blog no wonder mr gane is creating many enemies he really is unhappy with his life. He doesnt say how he is helping animals because he isnt !!
    You can only pity people like him cant you? Go and raise some funds for the rspca you extremely sad man .

  4. He's a raving lunatic fullstop!

  5. I have tried to blog on but my posts have not gone up. Any ideas?
