Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Donations Welcome

Give us ya money!

So readers, now that  I have proven to you that  Puppy Love is proven is an Animal Rights activist organisation along with a short insight of their back ground, you are probably thinking how they get their money to support all their so called 'investigations'?

Well, it seems as though the bulk of funding comes from Puppy Loves very own Jan Gilmour aka rosieposie (more to follow here), she is the coordinator for Scotland.

And the rest of it? That would be from the duped, deceived and conned public and the rest of the members of this crazy gang.


Yes, Veronica Lambert has a donate button on their website, or at least she did have until Gina Owens, co founder, updated the home page. Go through the site further, and the below text can be found:

So where do the donations go? Direct to the puppy farm dogs? NO, Given to animal rescue centres? NO, So where? No one knows as Puppy Love refuse to make their accounts public. 

Despite a call for Puppy Love to make their accounts public by various people on blogs, they are still yet to disclose them! As the public donate the money, surely they have a right to know what they are doing with it?

Well, IF, Puppy Love Campaigns were a legitimate and regulated charity you would know. But, Puppy Love have never been and is still not a registered charity! Got something to hide?

It has been documented that they have a paypal account and a bank account with a well known high street bank. But ones mind does begin to wonder whether the owner, Veronica Lambert, is syphoning this off into her back pockets?

She has already publicly stated that there is not enough money for her to attend protests. If they were so committed to Puppy Farm dogs, as the head of this deluded gang, surely you would want to be at every protest?

Where does the money go?

Until next time...


Sunday, 28 October 2012

Animal Rights Acivist Links


We're not animal rights activist's......Honest!

Yeah right! This is what Puppy Love Campaigns would have you believe, but it couldn't be further from the truth. In a public statement issued by Veronica Lambert, she states

" equally we are not animal rights activists"

Hmm... funny that! The internet suggests otherwise! Just a few clicks around on google and it shows Puppy Love Campaigns on numerous animal rights activists sites.

Bit of a hypocrite I hear you say? It seems a lot of people have thought the same and seen through this organisation and at how hap-hazard it is run. Just look at the above screen shot. It shows 5604 people found that page. And how many clicked their link for more information or to help further their cause? 7! What? Just 7? I am afraid so, and two of those clicks were mine!

Not quite the "leading organisation" they claim to be!

My sources also tell me that the so called founder of Puppy Love Campaigns upset a few members. The disgruntled members then founded rival group SPEC. Just so you know, SPEC has been going on for a lot less time than fellow Puppy Love, but have 3,360 facebook members as opposed to Puppy Love's mere 1,972.

Now I am not suggesting in anyway this is a popularity contest, but with so much more members in such little time, doesn't it make you wonder about what goes on behind closed doors and how the 'senior' members of Puppy Love may treat their followers?

Maybe I will enlighten you very soon by opening these doors for you?

Until next time peeps

Woof x

Saturday, 27 October 2012

Welcome to Puppy Love Exposed

Over the next weeks and months, we will be showing you the real truth of a troublesome organisation (or gang) that calls themselves 'Puppy Love Campaigns' and in my own words
'a group of animal activists'


Puppy Love Campaigns are a group of individuals who have got together to 'raise awareness to the horrors of what is generally known as puppyfarming'.

However the way they go about raising this awareness is very questionable.

Now normal people like you and I would see the word 'campaign' in their name and would think that they are what it says on the tin. Campaign group, yeah? Well to some degree, yes, but this is not at the top of their agenda!

The little campaigning they actually do, is partly formed of loud and noisy protests with megaphones shouting obscenities at potential customers entering licensed establishments that are legally allowed to sell puppies.

Amongst other things which will become apparent soon, it seems as though the official spokesperson for this gang has singled out and targeted businesses and individuals who are or were in the pet trade by creating a blog slating these people.

Still the credible organisation they portray themselves to be? To top it off, this blog that they created was first started anonymously. It was not until they were outed by separate blog, that had been created by a pet store in a response to their underhand tactics, that the official spokesperson Peter Gane and full time Puppy Love member 'Bolster' admitted he was the owner.

As I said, more will follow on this group and the individuals that behind the flurry of pseudo names they use in due course. 

Until next time my friends
