Give us ya money!
So readers, now that I have proven to you that Puppy Love is proven is an Animal Rights activist organisation along with a short insight of their back ground, you are probably thinking how they get their money to support all their so called 'investigations'?
Well, it seems as though the bulk of funding comes from Puppy Loves very own Jan Gilmour aka rosieposie (more to follow here), she is the coordinator for Scotland.
And the rest of it? That would be from the duped, deceived and conned public and the rest of the members of this crazy gang.
Yes, Veronica Lambert has a donate button on their website, or at least she did have until Gina Owens, co founder, updated the home page. Go through the site further, and the below text can be found:
So where do the donations go? Direct to the puppy farm dogs? NO, Given to animal rescue centres? NO, So where? No one knows as Puppy Love refuse to make their accounts public.
Despite a call for Puppy Love to make their accounts public by various people on blogs, they are still yet to disclose them! As the public donate the money, surely they have a right to know what they are doing with it?
Well, IF, Puppy Love Campaigns were a legitimate and regulated charity you would know. But, Puppy Love have never been and is still not a registered charity! Got something to hide?
It has been documented that they have a paypal account and a bank account with a well known high street bank. But ones mind does begin to wonder whether the owner, Veronica Lambert, is syphoning this off into her back pockets?
She has already publicly stated that there is not enough money for her to attend protests. If they were so committed to Puppy Farm dogs, as the head of this deluded gang, surely you would want to be at every protest?
Where does the money go?
Until next time...